1.9 Merging Update

5 min readAug 1, 2021


Game identification just got serious.

Welcome back to another Backloggd update, this one mainly offers a couple of redesigned pages and the long awaited admin merging tool. Be sure to read until the end as there’ll be some future Backloggd updates there as well.

Game Merging

Site admins now have the ability to transfer all logs of one game into another. Why is this important? It allows us to clean up the site of duplicates by blocking those games and then being able to aggregate all log data under one page. So when a merge occurs, all logs under the old game are updated to represent the new game without any user intervention. That also includes auto-updating reviews, lists entries, playthroughs, and journal dates.

Now let’s say you already have logs on the new game and the old game, what happens then? The old log will not automatically override the new log, instead it will be hidden away in your archive. That’s where the new Archive settings section comes in.

Settings — Archive

This new section in your settings page houses the location of any merge conflict logs you might have. From here you can see the details of each log and then decide which log you’d rather keep. When a merge conflict log is here it does not count towards any rating averages and its details do not show up anywhere on the site.

The other section here Lost Logs, will be a place to view any logs you have that don’t have any log statuses such as played, backlog, playing, or wishlist. They were very difficult to track down before so this offers you a chance to clean them up if you desire.

Currently there is no notification or way to tell you if there’s something new in your archive but that’s something I plan on adding in the near future. So in the meantime be sure to check this page out if you believe you’re missing some of your gaming collection.

Playthroughs’ New Look

Playthroughs Page Redesign

The playthroughs page has a slightly new look, along with some new stats to improve the viewing experience!

The UI overall has been rearranged to make better use of space in the top section so that information feels less crowded. Then there’s three new journal stats that will appear for any logs that utilize the journal. Another irk from before was how unusable this page was on mobile, that has been fixed and should be a much better experience.

Game Page Redesign

Shown off as a beta feature in the last update, the redesign for the game pages is now public and ready to use! This UI update brings additional stats to the surface and overall organizes the data a bit better on the page.

Game Page Redesign

Reverse Sorting

Exactly what it sounds like, you can now reverse the sorting method across many areas of the site!

Reverse sorting UI

Currently reversing is only supported for areas that contain games and lists.

Speaking of lists, they also now support the rest of the sorting methods you’d find anywhere else.

New sort methods for lists

As always be sure to check out the full changelog for a complete list of changes and fixes, for 1.9 you can find that list here: 1.9 Changelog

This update is a big one in the sense that it brings us a bit closer to game version combining which has been the highest requested feature on the roadmap since the beginning. With this we can use the same merge conflict system for those version combined games which was a big blocker before. All in all it’s great Backloggd is able to finally get to these long term milestones as we gain maturity and stabilize our core features. Don’t mistake that for there won’t be anything groundbreakingly new, there’s still plenty to come ;)

Great Thanks

Thank you to all Patreon users for doing their thing keeping Backloggd thriving and those servers fed! Really couldn’t be here without you all :)

Next Time on Backloggd

I have a few things I want to work on next for the site, so I figured I’d share a general insight on the road ahead.

1.9 General Content — This one is pretty much a given with every update, but there were a few things that had to be pushed from 1.9 for time so I’d like to revisit these as a follow-up minor update. It’s mainly general bug fixes / small enhancements but still important to get done.

Moderation Tools — One that gained high priority lately. This will be the creation of moderation tools that can be used for more than just myself. That way I can enlist the help of moderators to keep the site the best it can be without having to rely on my already tight schedule to get to it. Luckily a lot of the work is done since I have these tools available, it’s just a matter of making it look nicer and setting up roles / access within the site.

Entire Site Redesign — Not as bad as it sounds, this would just be going through the entire to site to make the UI consistent and balance the coloring / elements in a way that should overall be nicer to look at and functionally better to use.

New Badges — ICYMI we hit another Patreon goal so now it’s time for some new badges to make their way to the site! This will include 10 new unique badges, meaning tiered badges will only count as one. I have some good ones in mind so can’t wait to get those in.

Again this is just a general list, no specific ordering or timeline yet but it’s roughly what you can expect in the coming months.

Well that concludes this set of Backloggd news, stay very tuned for another post in a little over a week that celebrates our 3rd anniversary! As always stay tuned on the socials for the latest and greatest news all linked below.

See you on the site!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BackloggdApp

Discord: discord.gg/Ac6XNNN

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/backloggd?fan_landing=true

