Patreon Launch!

2 min readApr 24, 2019


Help us continue to create the best game collection-tracking site there is.

See it live here:

In the previous post Patreon was one of the three funding methods that was proposed, today that idea goes live. We don’t expect it to blow up or even gather too much attention but it’s there to provide users who really want to go out of their way to support the site with a way to do it, while also getting a few rewards in return.

How much and what you get

We wanted to start it off simple, so there are two tiers: Supporter and Backer.

Supporter ($1+ /month)

  • Access to all exclusive Patreon updates

Backer ($3+ /month)

  • Access to all exclusive Patreon updates
  • Backer badge on Backloggd
  • Get your profile displayed on the Backers page

The Patreon updates will be frequent posts about features that are work-in-progress and possibly polls on what should come next. They’ll just be more of an exclusive look into upcoming changes.

The badge will only be displayed on the profile page for now. You can see below what it looks like:

Backer badge on profile

The Backers page will be a new section to see all of the current Backers in a random order. Their profile picture and username will be showcased on this page.

While these three rewards will be immediately available, they most likely will not be the only ones. It’s hard to say exactly what else may come but there are definitely ideas going around.

Of course all of this is optional and only for those who really want to go out of their way! If you have any questions at all feel free to contact us.

Here’s the link again just in case you missed it:

Thanks for reading!

EDIT: The Backer tier has been reduced from $5/month to $3/month




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